
Terms Of Service ("Agreement") ("Commission Agreement")

This commission agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by SetAsync and any affiliated developers [Party A] and the user requesting a commission.[Party B] 

Refund Agreement ("Refund Policy") ("Cancellation Procedure")

Section A: Refund Procedures and Conditions

General Refund Entitlement:

Breach Exclusion:

Partial Invoice Refunds:

Accepted Refund Methods:

Section B: Circumstances Exempt from Refund

Breach of Agreement:

Malicious Behavior:

Abusive/Rude Behavior:

Additional Provisions:

Cancellation and Work Product:

Benefit from Refunded Work Product:

By signing the agreement, you agree to the above terms.
After signing the agreement the deal has been made and you may not exit out of it without mutual consent.

If a deadline was set and it has taken you more than 1 day to either sign the agreement, pay an invoice, or both then that deadline will be extended appropiately (so that the duration is still the same).